Thursday, November 27, 2008

Slides for my MAJUG talk about the Eclipse Memory Analyzer available

I just uploaded the Slides that I used 2 days ago at my talk for the Mannheim Java User Group (In German)
, to slideshare. There's a little bit of information lost, because of the conversion to PDF, but overall the content should be there:

Eclipse Memory Analyzer MAJUG November 2008[removed the live view because of performance problems with slideshare]

The Slides are also available from here in PDF format.


Unknown said...

are these slides available in English ??
Please let me know.

Unknown said...

Am reading your entire series on Memory Analyzer. Will get back to you in case of any queries as I am just beginning this

android app developer said...

Great slide on Eclipse Memory Analyzer. It has amazing information on these.Thanks for sharing these information:)
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Looking forward.

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