Thursday, November 27, 2008

Slides for my MAJUG talk about the Eclipse Memory Analyzer available

I just uploaded the Slides that I used 2 days ago at my talk for the Mannheim Java User Group (In German)
, to slideshare. There's a little bit of information lost, because of the conversion to PDF, but overall the content should be there:

Eclipse Memory Analyzer MAJUG November 2008[removed the live view because of performance problems with slideshare]

The Slides are also available from here in PDF format.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Is Eclipse bloated? Some numbers and a first analysis

On the e4 (Eclipse 4) mailing list there were lately some discussions about whether Eclipse is bloated or not, and what could be done to minimize bloat for e4. Some summary information can be found here.

I promised to get some numbers about how much memory is used by the JIT for the classes.

I finally managed it :)

So I took Eclipse 3.5M2 (without the web tools) configured it to use the SAP JVM (which is based on SUN's Hotspot, therefore the numbers should be comparable) and used the Eclipse Memory Analyzer (plus the non open source, but free SAP extensions) to generate a csv file that I then imported into IBM's manyeyes (great stuff!) to get the data visualized as a treemap.

The numbers do not include the overhead of the compiled code cache which was around 10 Mbyte.

Here comes the memory usage(in bytes) per bundle for Eclipse 3.5M2 after clicking around to activate as many plugins as possible (a more well defined test would be good idea) :

A detailed analysis would be very time consuming, because you would need to check for a lot of classes whether there's anything that could be done to make them smaller. So for now here are just some interesting observations that I made, when quickly looking over the results:
  • 12649 classes were loaded and consumed around 64 Mbyte in Perm space
  • during the test I run out of permspace, which was configured by default to 64Mbyte and the UI would freeze :(
  • there does not seem to be any large amount of generated code, and therefore optimizing classes might be difficult
  • the help system uses JSP's (generats classes) which are relatively big, also only of few of them where in memory
  • 247 relatively big classes in org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler were loaded twice,once by the jasper plugin and once by the jdk core plugin
I also made a detailed (per class) visualization of the relatively large jdt bundle :

So is Eclipse really bloated?
To me it seems it's overall not very bloated. Remember that a developer PC these days probably has 2 Gbyte of RAM, so 64Mbyte hardly matter.

The help system could be probably optimizied because it uses a complete servlet implementation (Jetty) including JSP's as well as a complete Text search engine (lucene).

The heap consumption could be a bigger issue. I've seen things that you should almost always avoid like holding parsed DOM trees in memory. I may explain these issues in a later post, and I will probably show some examples in my next talk .

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Eclipse Memory Analyzer Talk

On 25 November I will give a talk(in German) about the Eclipse Memory Analyzer at the Mannheim Java User Group.
See here for the details.

I will explain how MAT works and I also will also show some real world examples.